Friday, September 27, 2013

Week of Cleaning, Crafting and Fun

How is everyone doing today? It has been wonderful around here. The temperatures are in the comfortable 70's now. My son has had the week off from homeschool lessons, so I have cleaned out four closets and both sets of bathroom cabinets so far. I am going to clean the kitchen cabinets on this last day off.

After the work is finished each day, I have been working on a couple of doll dresses for a topsy turvy doll. I hope to have that entire project by the end of the weekend. I've been listening to Christmas music on Pandora from my iPhone this week. It helps move me along on my Christmas-y projects after working on the house all day.

We're going to go to a craft fair tomorrow. It's going to be a gorgeous day for my first ever visit to this fair. The event takes place on an old farm from the early 1800's and it looks like the venders make the items they sell in front of the visitors. So all of that excites me as we will also get a history lesson. If allowed, I will take pictures and share them with you next week.

Have a nice day!

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